Monday, 11 August 2014

What is the password to open ITR V acknowledgement

In another post I already shared what is the password toopen 26AS in PDF format.In this post I’ll share how to open your ITR acknowledgement.

As ITR V is password protected you will have to enter a password in order to open and view ITR V.
The password to open the ITR V is your pan number and your date of birth.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Do you know the logic behind your PAN Card?

PAN (Permanent Account Number) card is a unique identification tool issued by Government of India. It is a very important document for an individual.

Why do you need a PAN Card?

It not only serves as an identity proof but it also necessary to have a Pan card in order to enter into certain financial transactions such as receiving professional fees in excess of Rs 30,000 (As TDS will have to be deducted in this case)

Basically it provides a unique identity to every Assessee. (Individual, Partnership Firms, Companies, e.t.c)

Saturday, 26 April 2014

What is the password to open and view form 26as? how to download and open form 26as?

If you want to know the total tds that you are eligible to claim during a year, you can find a list of tds deducted and deposited in your name in form 26 as issued by the income tax department.

However note in cases where tds is deducted and even deposited but if the tds return is not yet filed the person/entity, such tds won't get reflected in form 26 AS.

26AS is the form available from the site contains details about various transactions of the assesses.

Some of the information that you will find in your 26AS is as follows:-

1. TDS (Tax Deducated at Source)
2. TCS (Tax Collected at Source)
3. Advance Tax Paid
4. e.t.c

Note: - Tutorial on how to download form 26AS

26AS from income tax site is available in 3 formats: -
1. TXT format, which is used to autofill the 26AS data in softwares.
2. HTML format, which is used to view 26AS online.
3. PDF format, which is mostly popular for printing documents.

Although 26AS can be view online in html format or can be downloaded in other two formats, namely txt format and pdf format.

Pdf format is the most suitable format for printing the Tax Credit Statement. However you can't directly open 26AS in PDF format as it is password protected.

Tax rebate under section 87a for A.Y 2017-18

Rebate under section 87A is provided so that the tax burden of the people with lower income can be reduced. And the benefit can be claimed...